Webinar 4/2020: Empowering Parents of Children with The Autism Spectrum Disorders
National Autism Resource Centre (NARC) FSKM, UiTM, Shah AlamRegister Now, Its Free: http://bit.ly/narc-webinar4
Webinar 5/2020: Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
National Autism Resource Centre (NARC) FSKM, UiTM, Shah AlamJOIN OUR EXPERT SPEAKER: Ts. DR. ROSLINDA ALIAS FACULTY OF EDUCATION DIRECTOR OF UITM DISABILTY SERVICES UNIT FELLOW COLLABORATIVE GROUP INCLUSIVE EDUCATION UITM UNIVERSAL DESIGN FOR LEARNING (UDL): UNIVERSAL DESIGN FOR LEARNING (UDL): FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES IN TERTIARY EDUCATION SEPTEMBER 26 | 11.00AM - 12.30 PM REGISTER NOW, ITS FREE. Webinar link: http://bit.ly/narcwebinar-5 For further inquiries, you may contact us at: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/National-Autism-Resource-Centre-NARC Instagram: @autism_narc_uitm|Website: narc.uitm.edu.my |Email: narc@uitm.edu.myYoucanjoinNASOMatwww.nasom.org.myandenjoymanybenefits
Webinar 8/2020: “How I helped my child to become an international award winner”
FREE REGISTRATION HERE: http://bit.ly/narcwebinar-8 Born in Malaysia and diagnosed with Autism at age 4, Jamila had trouble communicating verbally and began drawing faces to express her emotions and uses Drawing as a Tool for Communication. She is now recognized nationally and internationally for her Artwork and has received significant media coverage and achieved many accolades nationally and internationally. Ar. IDr. Assoc. Prof (R). Noorhashimah will be sharing how she managed to break away from the standard mould of teaching and learn to adapt to her daughter and not to lead her. She customized her own workable solutions for her unique daughter [...]
Webinar 9/2020: Improving Self-Help Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
National Autism Resource Centre (NARC) FSKM, UiTM, Shah AlamOur upcoming free webinar is coming this weekend. We will be joined by Dr. Ahmad Zamir Che Daud in sharing tips for parents and teachers to improve self-skills in autistic children. Jointly organised with @nasomcares Date: 28th Nov 2020, Saturday Time: 11:00 am - 12:30pm Register now for free at: http://bit.ly/narcwebinar-9 See you there. #nasomcares #nasomcare #autismcare #autismawareness #autismmalaysia #autismacceptance
Webinar 1/2021: ASD and Oral Health Care
National Autism Resource Centre (NARC) FSKM, UiTM, Shah AlamPihak National Autism Resource Centre (NARC), Fakulti Sains Komputer dan Matematik akan menganjurkan sesi webinar seperti berikut: Tajuk : ASD and Oral Health Care Tarikh : Ahad, 17 Januari 2021 Masa : 11.00am - 12.30pm Sinopsis: Children and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) experience poor oral health due to difficulty in maintaining daily oral hygiene care. They are also found to have a high presence of oral diseases, which are often untreated due to challenges in undergoing professional dental treatment. This webinar discusses 1) the importance of oral health care in relation to general [...]
Webinar 2/2021: Sexuality Issues for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
National Autism Resource Centre (NARC) FSKM, UiTM, Shah AlamAssalamualaikum wrt wbt & Salam Sejahtera, YBhg. Tan Sri/Puan Sri/Dato' Seri/Datin Seri/Dato'/Datin/Prof Emeritus/Prof/Prof Madya Dr/Dr/Tuan/Puan yang dihormati. Pihak National Autism Resource Centre (NARC), Fakulti Sains Komputer dan Matematik akan menganjurkan sesi webinar seperti berikut: Tajuk : Sexuality Issues for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Tarikh : Sabtu, 23 Januari 2021 Masa : 11.00am – 12.30pm Sinopsis: Autism represents itself in a heterogenous manner which means no one child is alike. They have many challenges and one real but unaddressed challenge are sexuality issues. In order to manage these challenges, a brief understanding of the brain of a child will [...]
Webinar 3/2021: FOOD & AUTISM: Guidelines for Parents
National Autism Resource Centre (NARC) FSKM, UiTM, Shah AlamNARC is having its 3rd Webinar entitled “FOOD & AUTISM: Guidelines for Parents” 🗓 27 February, 2021 (Saturday) ⏰ 11.00 am - 12.30 pm Synopsis: 💥Feeding problems are common in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Parents/caregivers of children with ASD often describe family mealtime as stressful, chaotic, and exhausting. 💥Food selectivity is the most widely recorded feeding problem in ASD. Common dietary patterns in children with ASD include strong preference for processed foods, snacks, and starches concurring with a bias against fruits and vegetables. 💥Challenging mealtime behaviour may occur when the child refuses to eat foods based on texture, taste, [...]
Webinar 4/2021: Strategies to Support the Communication of Autism Kids
National Autism Resource Centre (NARC) FSKM, UiTM, Shah AlamSynopsis: A person who deals with autistic children will somehow face some degree of challenges in many aspects and the biggest challenge is communication. Even though there are many sources of information regarding tips on how to get engage with them, many non-speech language therapists still face the challenge of how to understand the fundamental key in the communication of an autistic child. Every kid with autism has different abilities when it comes to communication. It is our responsibility to get to know how to get it right. In this webinar, we will discuss the fundamental aspect of communication and how [...]
Webinar 5/2021: The art of Making Friends in Teen with ASD
National Autism Resource Centre (NARC) FSKM, UiTM, Shah AlamSinopsis: Limited social skills are a major challenge for teens with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) that are commonly targeted through social skills interventions. For many young people, having friendships is important. Although most teens can develop and maintain meaningful friendships, research suggests about 1/3 of teens do not have close friends. Most of them struggle with social challenges, shyness, anxiety, behaviour problem, or other issues. Social skills can be learned. It is important for teens to have knowledge, awareness, experience, and have the motivation to improve their skills in making friends. In this webinar, we will discuss the fundamental aspects of [...]
Webinar 6/2021: Seksualiti Kanak-Kanak Berkeperluan Khas
National Autism Resource Centre (NARC) FSKM, UiTM, Shah AlamSinopsis: Seksualiti anak-anak berkeperluan khas adalah satu topik yang jarang dibincangkan. Ini disebabkan oleh seksualiti itu sendiri adalah satu perkara yang agak taboo dan sukar untuk disentuh kerana kekangan budaya dan agama. Dalam webinar ini, penceramah akan membincangkan asas seksualiti, perkembangan seksualiti anak berkeperluan khas serta mitos yg ada mengenai seksualiti golongan ini. Peserta juga akan didedahkan berkenaan dengan isu dan tingkahlaku seksual normal dan tidak normal. Kepentingan komunikasi mengenai seksualiti, tips dan strategi dalam pendidikan seksualiti juga akan didedahkan kepada peserta di akhir webinar ini. Webinar adalah percuma. Sila mendaftar di sini: http://bit.ly/narcwebinar2021-6 Youtube Live Streaming https://bit.ly/NARCYouTube