List of Publications

There are numbers of autism related research can be found in Malaysia that generally focus on the ASD, learning disorder, communication aids, therapy and many more. The list of publications is provided below:

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Hashim, R; Mahamood, S F; Yussof, H; Aziz, A F

Using Assistive Technology for Spiritual Enhancement of Brain-Impaired Children Conference

76 , Elsevier B.V., 2015, ISSN: 18770509, (cited By 3).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Anthropomorphic Robots, Assistive Technology, Education, Intelligent Control, Islam, Pedagogy, Qualitative Approach, Repetitive Motions, Robotics, Semi Structured Interviews, Smart Sensors, Special Education, Spirituality, Teaching


Manap, A A; Dehkordi, S R; Rias, R M; Sardan, N A

Computer game approach focusing on social communication skills for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An initial study Conference

Atlantis Press, 2013, ISBN: 9789462520028, (cited By 0).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Autism Spectrum Disorders, Brain Development, Children with Autism, Complex Disorder, Computer Games, Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Diseases, Education, Games, Semi Structured Interviews, Social Communications, Social Skills, Surveys, Teaching